Hello everyone. Here’s the New Escapologist reader survey. It consists of 18 easy questions and your views will shape the magazine’s triumphant return to print.
New Escapologist was a small press magazine for over a decade, beginning with a pilot issue in 2007 and ending with a chunky final edition in 2017. Since then, I’ve kept the spirit alive with a blog (digested monthly in this newsletter), a column in the Idler, and two books. The theme of this franchise has been escape, typically from the alienating concerns of work and consumerism, with a sense of style and grace and humour. Over the years, New Escapologist saw contributions from Alain de Botton, Caitlin Doughty, Mr Money Mustache, Will Self, and Tinky Actual Winky from Teletubbies. Most importantly, we published over 200 essays designed to temper the work ethic. In 2022, it’s clearer than ever that “honest hard work” is not the answer to poverty, loneliness, boredom or ill health. Moreover, people are questioning the primacy of centralised digital platforms. The time is ripe to bring the mag back.
Nobody relishes a survey, but please think carefully about each answer and about what you’d really like to see in a magazine about the slightly hysterical prospect of escape. To reward your efforts, there’s a promo code at the bottom of the questionnaire for a practically-free copy of my book, The Good Life for Wage Slaves. You just need to pay for shipping and handling. This will most likely be a mailing list exclusive and will probably last until the end of the year.
Here’s the all-important survey link again! Thanks for taking the time (about 10 minutes) to complete it.
Much love and escape well,
Robert Wringham
Editor, New Escapologist