Out Now! 🎈 The Good Life For Wage Slaves
At Last! It's Here!
The Good Life for Wage Slaves
After multiple pandemic-adjacent delays, New Escapologist is proud to announce the publication of Robert Wringham's The Good Life for Wage Slaves. Woo!
Are you satisfied by your job? Do you leap out of bed each morning with a song in your heart, eager to travel swiftly and painlessly to a fabulous workplace where the layout and technology are perfectly adapted to your goals and needs?
What of home life? Do you return from work each evening with time and energy to get stuck into your rewarding, creative projects? Do you have a good grasp of the sort of “home economics” mastered by your parents’ and grandparents’ generations?
If so, this book is not for you. If, on the other hand, your experience of the worker-consumer lifestyle is a screaming Hell of clueless, unsatisfying, underpaid, carcinogenic, insecure shambling that you never signed up for and is an affront to your years of difficult and expensive study, The Good Life for Wage Slaves might be the helpful volume–or at least the shoulder to cry on–you’ve been waiting for. It contains swearing. Also cats.
The book is available now in deluxe paperback and e-book formats.
It can be bought in the usual online locations (Waterstones, Blackwells, Amaz*n) and will soon be on the shelves of select real-life bookshops.
We maintain, however, that the best place to get it in terms of speed and helping small business is direct from the publisher. Go! Go!
If you pre-ordered the book, we're happy to report that your copy has been shipped and is on its way.
Escape Well,
New Escapologist